Ecological Assessments

Ecological assessments can take a range of different forms. Some are requested by local authorities as part of a planning application, but an increasing number are being commissioned voluntarily by developers as part of scoping assessments or accreditation schemes. In this section we provide a summary of the different types of ecological report, and an outline of the situations in which they may be required.

An Ecological Impact Assessment is a broad assessment of impacts on ecological features (designated sites, habitats, flora and fauna). It is a standard component of an Environmental Impact Assessment, but may also be requested as a stand-alone report for smaller developments in sensitive areas. If a development has any potential to affect Natura 2000 sites (Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation), the planning authority is obligated to conduct an Appropriate Assessment. To assist with this process, they may ask the applicant to submit a Screening for Appropriate Assessment report or a Natura Impact Statement / Habitats Directive Assessment.

Many modern developments are now designed and constructed in accordance environmental best practice, aiming to minimise impacts and enhance the value of a site where possible. For ecological issues, this process often begins with a scoping exercise known as a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal , which provides an assessment of potential ecological constraints and opportunities at a proposed development site. Many developments that are constructed in an environmentally-friendly manner now seek accreditation under the BREEAM assessment scheme.

Finally, a number of invasive plant species (e.g. Japanese knotweed) can be highly problematic on development sites, causing risks to local ecology, public health or structural features. NM Ecology are specialists in Invasive Species Management, and can provide advice on the containment and control of these species during development works.

If you need any of these ecological assessments, please select the links above or contact us for a quote or further advice.