The Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) is a voluntary accreditation system for sustainable buildings, aiming to provide recognition for developments that are designed, built and managed in accordance with best environmental practice. The assessment process covers a range of environmental disciplines, and includes the following measures to protect and enhance local ecology:
- LE01 - Selecting a low-impact site
- LE02 - Assessing the ecological value of a site
- LE03 - Minimising impacts on existing site ecology
- LE04 - Aiming to enhance site ecology
- LE05 - Minimising long-term impacts on local ecology
These measures require the input of a suitably-qualified ecologist, and usually involve a site inspection, communication with the design team, and preparation of an Ecologists Report and Biodiversity Management Plan. These documents can be prepared as stand-alone reports, or can be adapted from a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal or Ecological Impact Assessment for the development. We can also advise on suitably ecological enhancement measures that will provide features for local wildlife.
If you require assistance with a BREEAM assessment please contact us for a quote or further advice.