An Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA), also known as a Flora and Fauna Impact Assessment, is an assessment of the potential impacts of a development on natural heritage, including designated sites, habitats, flora and fauna. It is a standard chapter of an Environmental Impact Assessment for large-scale developments (e.g. wind farms, national roads), but for smaller developments in sensitive areas it may be requested as a stand-alone report.
This process typically involves:
- Providing information on the baseline environment in the vicinity of the site, including:
- Designated sites of European importance (Natura 2000 sites) and national importance (Natural Heritage Areas, Nature Reserves)
- Habitats and flora
- Protected / endangered species, including bats, birds, otters and badgers
- Consultation with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and other relevant bodies
- Assessing potential impacts of the development on ecological features
- Designing mitigation measures to avoid or reduce impacts
- Assessing residual impacts
- Proposing monitoring or supervision works (if required)
If you require an Ecological Impact Assessment please contact us for a quote or further advice.