Bat surveys

Bat surveys Ireland

Although rarely seen, bats are common throughout Ireland. At night they feed around trees, open water, wetlands and pastures, and during the day they roost in buildings, bridges, caves or mature trees. All species are protected by European and national legislation, under which it is an offence to:

  • Kill or injure a bat
  • Disturb them during breeding, rearing, hibernation or migration
  • Damage a breeding or resting site (known as a ‘bat roost’).

If a development has potential to disturb a bat roost or their feeding habitat, a planning authority may ask the applicant to commission a bat survey and report. In particular, the following activities are considered high-risk:

  • The demolition of any building, or renovation of roof structures
  • Felling of mature trees that have crevices or cavities
  • Strengthening or sealing of bridges
  • Installation of external lighting, particularly around waterbodies or woodland

Bat surveys in Ireland - what is involved?

Bat surveys usually include:

  • An external inspection of any features that may be used by roosting bats
  • An internal inspection of any attics or underground structures
  • Night-time surveys using specialised bat survey equipment

If bats are found in a proposed developed site, mitigation measures may be required to protect them during construction works, to compensate for any roosting features that will be lost, and to retain important feeding / travelling areas. Suitable measures will be designed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the project architect or engineer.

If you require a bat survey in Ireland or Northern Ireland please contact us for a quote or further advice.