If a Screening for Appropriate Assessment report concludes that a plan or project has potential to cause significant impacts on a Natura 2000 site (an SAC or SPA), it will be necessary to proceed to Stage 2 of the Appropriate Assessment process. The assessment is carried out by planning authorities, but supporting information may be requested from the applicant to assist with the process, which is referred to as a Natura Impact Statement in the Republic of Ireland, or a Habitats Directive Assessment in Northern Ireland.
These reports provide a detailed impact assessment, which will address any potential direct, indirect or in-combination impacts on Natura 2000 sites. The legislation states that a precautionary approach to risk should be adopted, whereby impacts should be considered in a worst-case scenario, and should be avoided or reduced using failsafe mitigation measures.
This process typically involves:
- Collecting desktop information about any Natura 2000 sites that may be affected
- Conducting field surveys to assess the distribution of key ecological features
- Consultation with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and other relevant bodies
- Assessing any potential impacts of the development
- Designing mitigation measures to avoid or reduce impacts
- Assessing residual impacts
- Proposing monitoring or supervision works (if required)
If you require a Natura Impact Statement or Habitats Directive Assessment please contact us for a quote or further advice.
- Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in Ireland
- Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in Ireland