NM Ecology provides
ecological services for
planning consultants,
architects and engineers
throughout Ireland and
Northern Ireland
Including a range of
Ecological Assessments:
- - Natura Impact Statements
- - Habitats Directive Assessments
- - Ecological Impact Assessments
- - Scoping / Constraints Reports
Surveys for rare and
protected species:
- - Bats
- - Otters
- - Badgers
- - Birds
- - Newts and Lizards
- - Habitats and Flora
Specialist surveys
for wind farms:
- - Bat surveys
- - Bird surveys
- - Peatland mapping
BREEAM Assessments for
low-impact developments:
- - Assisting with site selection
- - Baseline ecology surveys
- Biodiversity enhancement
Control of Invasive Species:
- Japanese Knotweed
- Giant Hogweed
- Indian Balsam
- Gunnera
- Buddleja
For more information,
please select an option
from the menu above,
or contact us for a quote